“Educating the mind without educating the heart is no education at all.” Aristotle

My Values

“Articulating my values as a public scholar is my attempt to connect theory to action, and bridge thinking with politicized action. As a community scholar, I learned from other community members how to be in solidarity and also think critically. These values reflect my experiences with various social change groups. I hope these values plant seeds for another possible world, and I hope you will commit to them alongside me.”

We exist in a web of interrelatedness

Because of this, the politics of radical difference is possible. I reject oppositional politics in favor of the radical interrelatedness of all things. Difference is possible because of our radical interconnectedness.

  • radical interconnectedness

  • the politics of radical difference

I believe we must value both courage & imagination

But these are also tied to our morality and ethics. When we express moral courage and moral imagination, we create the kind of imagination we long to build. When we lean into the potentiality of moral courage and radical moral imagination, we find the edges of our now and begin to chart our future!

  • moral courage

  • radical moral imagination

These values are systemic in nature

…and lived out in my daily life. I work to unhinge from systems that are harmful and destructive in an effort to live a life rooted in liberation.

  • anti racist

  • decolonial

  • anti-violence

  • anti-capitalist

With attention to power analysis

I commit myself to the practice and values of shared leadership and leaning into interdependence. With attention to how power functions, my work is best done in cooperation and collaboration with others.

  • shared leadership

  • collaboration/cooperation

Valuing relationship

This is best expressed in embodied solidarity and a being en conjunto. These values are also linked together with belonging and hospitality (and all the rest of the values) in the sense that these values are relational.

  • embodied solidarity

  • togetherness (en conjunto)

These values are rooted in my orientation as an activist scholar.

I believe that we must critically analyze all there is and then translate those findings into action. Head and heart must be aligned as we do this work, so that we build the kind of world we long to inhabit.

  • critical inquiry

  • translating theory to action

  • aligning head and heart

In a world that promulgates separation

I commit to the politics of belonging, hospitality, and honoring invisible labor. When we commit to this kind of work, we bring together disparate parts of our movement and foster new ways of belonging with one another.

  • belonging

  • hospitality

  • honoring invisible labor

I value rigorous intellectual labor that challenges the status quo

…and inspires us all for radical social change. We must commit to the work of intellectual labor in such a way that it inspires change.

  • challenging the status quo

  • inspire radical social change

Joining me in seeking to embody these values through action!

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