“I don’t care what you believe. I care about your actions in the world.” Activist Theology
The Zeitcast
What should we know about the services you provide? Better descriptions result in more sales.
Homebrewed Christianity
Two Baptists from the South become super nerds and friends. Roberto and Tripp reflect on their religious inheritance and what becoming Christian means today.
You Made it Weird
Dr. Roberto shows up on Pete Holmes’ popular podcast to talk about doing public theology.
The Liturgists
Dr. Roberto is featured in this deep dive into the concept of “cancel culture.”
Watch the TedX Talk
Bridging across difference.
This conversation on the Christian debate show, Unbelievable, hosted a conversation between Dr. Roberto and conservative priest and political commentator, Calvin Robinson.
Mapping the relevance of political theology for these times.
The Wild Good festival hosted this conversation with Dr. Roberto and Colton Bernasol about becoming a fugitive at the end of empire.